Best 5 Books to Learn Python Programming?

Programming languages since ages have evolved a lot and are now gaining immense popularity, as well as people, are shifting their careers towards it. Today, many top organizations carry out their work with the help of coding and for this, they employ highly paid officials who are well proficient in the same. These professionals contain all the required knowledge to call themselves an efficient programmer. The world of coding is full of surprises and people are constantly developing things that are new to the world to bring a revolution in the programming world. To learn to code the professionals either take lectures from various institutions, read related books and journals, or take lectures through various websites.

So, today we will be discussing one such programming language that is highly popular among aspirants and will continue to dominate this sector because of the cool features present in it. The language we are talking about is Python. It is an Object-Oriented Programming language where there are already many libraries present that carry out the programming related stuff. We just need to import these libraries and the work will be done with a few lines of code. So, let’s discuss how to learn this programming language with the help of books i.e. top 5 books that are good for Python programmers.

Best Python Books to start learning for Beginners

Learning Python

It is a book that is very nice for the in-depth concepts that it provides to the reader about the Python programming language. The book covers all prerequisites like data types, lists, tuples, arrays, if-else statements, loops, Object-Oriented Programming, and many more to make the reader familiar with the same and carry out their Python journey with ease. For a beginner, this is the right book to start with, written by David Ascher and MARK LUTZ.

Learnig Python book best min

Python Crash Course 2nd Edition

This is yet another book that is meant for Python programmers out there and is considered amongst the best books to learn Python. The book is segregated into two halves i.e. the first half contains all the concepts related to Python programming and the second half contains questions related to the same to implement the concepts in the practical world.

Python Crash course book for beginners min

Violent Python

A book specially meant for hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers, and security engineers all related to Python. The book is also famous for its explanation of the concepts of statistics and different algorithms. Hackers prefer this book to learn the deep concepts related and implement the same for their use.

Violent Python book best to learn hacking min

Learn Python in one day and learn it well

Yet another book famous for explaining the minute details related to Python programming to increase the proficiency of the user regarding the language. Also with this book in hand, one can easily learn to code basic programs. Knowledge of the basics of Python would be an icing to the cake and will aid in understanding the concepts in much more detail.

LEarn Python in One Day book for beginners min

Python data science handbook essential tools for working with data

The book is majorly known for explaining everything from scratch and helping a person to turn from a beginner to a professional in the field of not only Python but also Data Science and Machine learning. Contains a very deep explanation of libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and many more. Moreover, a perfect book who wants to learn Python more professionally.

Python book to learn Data science min


These above books mentioned are the top 5 books in the field of Python and one must go through these to gain insights about the programming language and also to increase the proficiency of coding.


Source: how2shout


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