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#SS-02-05 Preparing for University

  • Categories Study Skills
  • Duration 16h
  • Total Enrolled 5
  • Last Update November 13, 2020

About Course

UEA (University of East Anglia)


Develop writing, critical thinking, and analytical skills for university study

Learning at a university level requires enhanced critical thinking skills, as well as being able to hold a supported, substantive argument and critically analyse sources or data.

On this course, you’ll build the foundations of these skills, so that you can prepare yourself for the challenges of this new learning environment.

You’ll hear from university lecturers on what they value in students and get advice on the more difficult aspects of learning at university.

Eventually, you’ll receive a summary of key skills, which you’ll find useful to refer back to as you start your university journey.

What topics will you cover?

  • Questioning in a university environment
  • Links between independent study, revision and reading skills
  • Developing writing skills which focus on persuading the reader/audience
  • Textual analysis and how context affects the reading of a text
  • Understanding the importance of data and its use in evidence-based argument
  • Using and acknowledging the work of others through referencing

Who will you learn with?

Harriet Jones

Dr Harriet Jones is a Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a National Teaching Fellow and Director of the PreUniversity Skills Programme



Who developed the course?

UEA - University of East Anglia logo

The University of East Anglia is an internationally renowned university providing top quality academic, social and cultural facilities to over 15,000 students from over 100 countries around the globe.


What Will I Learn?

  • Understand the skills needed to do well at university
  • Practice the key skills required for success at university
  • Understand what lecturers value in their students, and what skills their students excel at and struggle with
  • Locate top tips for coping with the university learning environment

Topics for this course

16 Lessons16h

Introduction to the course?

This course will help you develop on appreciation of what university lecturers will be expecting of you as an undergraduate student.
Welcome to Preparing for University
Meet the team
What do lecturers value in their students?00:02:00
Lifelong Learning00:04:07

The process of ‘asking questions’?

Here you will think about when and where to ask questions and why this is important.

Preparing for a lecture?

Here you will consider what you could do before a lecture, how you might ask yourself

Questioning lecture material?

Here we will explore questions in relation to lectures.

Student Feedback


Total 4 Ratings

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The course was good, teaching us to focus on the links between independent learning, review and reading skills, and reminding us to develop writing skills and focus on convincing the reader/audience. That's great.

This course has allowed me to build a foundation of writing skills so that I can be prepared for the challenges of a new learning environment.

This course is a great help for college students to improve their writing, critical thinking and analytical skills. I love it.

There is a section of the course that talks about developing writing skills and focusing on convincing readers/listeners, which I think is quite true. This is something that we tend to overlook.


Material Includes

  • Official Certificate

Target Audience

  • This course is designed for anyone considering studying at a university, or a similar higher education institution.
  • Additionally, learnings from this course can support studying for A-levels, BTECS or other post-16 courses, as well as access or foundation courses.