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#PS-02-04 Mental Skills Training for Sport and Health

  • Categories Psychology
  • Duration 12h
  • Total Enrolled 8
  • Last Update September 25, 2020

About Course

Manchester Metropolitan University


Learn sports psychology to improve physical performance in yourself or others

We all experience changing levels of motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety depending on the situation we’re in.

On this course, you’ll discover exercise and sports psychology and consider its relevance to contemporary issues in sport, health and fitness.

You’ll trace the relationship between the brain and the body in sport and exercise as you explore three mental skills training techniques and their application.

Using psychological knowledge, scientific research, and applied case study examples, you’ll learn how these psychological training techniques enhance athletic performance.

What topics will you cover?

On this course we will be covering three key mental skills training techniques:

o Mental practice including how the PETTLEP model can inform the delivery of motor imagery/action observation interventions.

o Self-talk, including the concepts of valence, overtness, motivational interpretation, and function.

o Goal setting, including the different SMART principles and types of goal.

For each skill, case studies from sport, exercise, and clinical settings will be used to illustrate to learners how each of these skills can be relevant in practical settings.

Learners will also have the opportunity to demonstrate and apply their knowledge of each mental skill training technique in a variety of tasks throughout the course.

Who will you learn with?

Ben Marshall

Ben is a Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Psychology in the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Manchester Metropolitan University. He is a keen road cyclist in his spare time.



Who developed the course?

Manchester Met logo

Manchester Met University has a driving ambition to discover and disseminate knowledge and make higher education as accessible and beneficial to all those with the passion and ability to succeed.


What Will I Learn?

  • Explain three core psychological attributes (motivation, confidence, anxiety) that influence exercise participation and sport performance.
  • Describe three core Mental Skills Training techniques (imagery and action observation, self-talk, goal-setting) that are frequently used in sport and exercise psychology.
  • Explore the relationship between Mental Skills Training and exercise participation/sports performance through the demonstration of applied case studies and scientific research.
  • Discuss the application of Mental Skills Training techniques to different populations, including elite and recreational athletes, and clinical groups.

Topics for this course

10 Lessons12h


In which learners are welcomed and the structure of the course is described. The content that learners will be studying is also outlined and the educators leading the course are introduced.
Introduction to mental skills training00:04:47
Meet your educator

Mental skills?

What are mental skills? What aspects of mental skills are crucial for optimal athletic performance? In this activity, self-confidence, motivation, and anxiety are defined and discussed using examples from sport and exercise.

Applying your knowledge?

Throughout this course, you will have opportunities to apply what you have learned so far. In this activity, three case studies that we will revisit throughout the course from sport, exercise, and clinical settings are introduced.


A summary of the content from this week covering mental skills training. Learners are encouraged to reflect on what they have learned this week ahead of being introduced to specific tools next week.

Student Feedback


Total 4 Ratings

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The training was very informative and brought forward some very beneficial points. I especially appreciated the last section on Setting Healthy Boundaries.

It was a good course. Many things were there which I think will help me to make my life better.

It was a very useful course because it has a lot of useful and practical information i can put immediately into practice.

As I have dug deeper into the course I am getting more and more pleasantly surprised.


Material Includes

  • Official Certificate

Target Audience

  • This course is designed for anyone who engages in, or is interested in, sport and physical activity.
  • It will be of particular interest and use to current or aspiring sport and exercise psychology practitioners, sports coaches, students, and professionals.
  • This course can be used as professional development training for a number of different disciplines, including sport psychology, health psychology, cognitive psychology, sports coaching, and personal training.