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#HC-02-63 Heart Health: A Beginner’s Guide to Cardiovascular Disease

  • Categories Healthcare
  • Duration 30h
  • Total Enrolled 0
  • Last Update July 26, 2021

About Course

University of Reading


Understand cardiovascular disease and learn how to keep your heart healthy

Your heart beats around 100,000 times a day, pumping blood around your body to deliver oxygen and nutrients, while taking away waste products. When your heart is unhealthy, it can’t perform this vital task so effectively.

This course will imp

rove your knowledge of how the heart works, the causes of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and heart failure and what you can do to avoid them.

You’ll cover both theory and practical aspects of heart health, learning from lab demonstrations and practical activities so you better understand your own heart.

Who will you learn with?

Natasha Barrett

Natasha Barrett

I am a lecturer in cardiovascular biology and haematology at the University of Reading and the lead educator for Heart Health: A Beginner’s Guide to Cardiovascular Disease.

Who developed the course?

University of Reading

University of Reading

The University of Reading has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and enterprise.

What Will I Learn?

  • Describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system, including the circulatory system and heart
  • Describe the basis of several cardiovascular diseases including heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and heart failure
  • Evaluate the various risk factors that can contribute towards increasing a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Discuss some of the lifestyle choices that we can make to try and reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Apply theoretical knowledge and investigate a topic through practical activities
  • Investigate and process data
  • Investigate a topic and evaluate the reliability of your sources

Topics for this course

18 Lessons30h

Welcome to Week 1?

Find out more about what you will be learning, who will be guiding you and how the course is taught.
Welcome to the course VIDEO (05:46)00:00:00
Meet the team ARTICLE
How the course is taught ARTICLE
Why is it important to understand cardiovascular disease? ARTICLE

Blood and the circulatory system?

To gain a greater knowledge of cardiovascular disease, further your understanding on the circulatory system and the transport network it provides to and from the lungs and tissues.

Anatomy and function of the heart?

Learn about the importance of the heart's anatomy and function, then apply theory through an optional heart dissection home practical.

Behind the scenes?

Get to know more about Dr Sam Boateng and some of the reasons he was motivated to further study heart health.

Starting a food and activity diary?

Get started with your food and activity diary and find out how this can help you investigate the lifestyle risk factors cardiovascular disease can impose.

Review and Reflect?

Reflect on what you have learnt this week on the healthy heart and circulatory system

Material Includes

  • Official Certificate

Target Audience

  • This course is aimed at anyone with an interest in how the heart works and the diseases that commonly affect it. It will help if you have a basic understanding of human biology, but we’ll explain things in a way that will be easy for those who are unfamiliar with the subject. If you get stuck, you can always ask questions in the comments and other learners may be able to help you.
  • Healthcare practitioners may also enjoy this as a gentle refresher or resource to share with patients