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#NA-02-04 Engaging with Controversies in the Food System

  • Categories Nature
  • Duration 18h
  • Total Enrolled 4
  • Last Update September 21, 2020

About Course

EIT Food


Learn how to assess the reliability of different sources of food information

Consumers have never been confronted with so much food choice. Making a decision on what food to eat is affected by many factors, including media reports, diet research findings, and social media.

On this course, you’ll access leading research and expert insights to make sense of some of the most common food controversies – alternative proteins, palm oil, and probiotics.

You’ll understand the viewpoints of stakeholders and reflect on your own food preferences. By improving your knowledge of these food debates, you’ll build the confidence to make more informed decisions about food.


What topics will you cover?

Lesson focuses on one controversy, explains what it is and how it is understood by differently situated stakeholders in the food sector. Learners are encouraged (as consumers) to take a critical stance on the different perspectives held by different stakeholders and adjust their practice accordingly.


Who will you learn with?

Andrew Ainslie

I am an Associate Professor in International Rural Development. I trained as a social anthropologist. My research centres around understanding systemic change in agrarian environments.


Joanna Kaniewska

I am a Senior Manager at the European Food Information Council. My role is creating science-based content on nutrition and health whilst leading communication activities for EU research projects.


Luca Cocolin

I’m a professor in food microbiology at the University of Torino, Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences. My research focuses on food safety and microbial ecology of fermented foods.



Who developed the course?

EIT Logo

EIT Food is Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, with the aim to create a sustainable and future-proof food sector.



What Will I Learn?

  • Demonstrate knowledge of three topical food controversies that affect human health, welfare and the environment
  • Reflect on your own food preferences and make better informed decisions about which products to buy for yourself and your family
  • Justify your choices and engage others, contributing to improvements in industry practice and an overall better understanding of the food system amongst consumers
  • Interpret news reports, apply critical thinking and be proficient at analysing media coverage of food controversies
  • Reflect on the perspectives of different stakeholders and recognise the myriad challenges and trade-offs such a complex system creates

Topics for this course

17 Lessons18h

Alternative proteins?

We start by defining the term 'controversy' and looking at examples we have come across in the media, before introducing the course and the team of educators.
What do we mean by ‘controversies’?
Defining a controversy
Welcome to the course
Meet the team

Introducing alternative proteins?

The future of protein: is meat consumption on the verge of extinction?

Stakeholder perspectives?

Here we will look at the controversy from the varying perspectives of producers and consumers.

Analyse & Reflect?

In this section we will use what we've discovered to analyse a newspaper article and reflect on our response to the alternative proteins controversy.

Student Feedback


Total 4 Ratings

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Very good course. Changing your life starts with paying attention to the quality of your consumption. When I learned about different sources of food, it was easier to tell what was true and what wasn't, and put what I had learned to use.

This course helps consumers build confidence and make more informed decisions about food by raising awareness of these food debates. It's great. I love it.

The course encourages learners to take a critical stance on the different perspectives held by different stakeholders and to adapt their practices accordingly.

As a consumer, we are faced with too many choices, there are too many fake goods on the market, we cannot distinguish what is a good source, this course is good, worth every smart consumer to study.


Material Includes

  • Official Certificate

Target Audience

  • This course is for anyone curious about what their food contains, and what this means for their health and the environment. Professionals in the food and environment sectors will find this course useful for providing an up to date analysis of topical debates. Teachers may also find this course a useful resource for their students studying food science subjects.