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#HC-03-20 Critical Appraisal Techniques for Healthcare Literature

  • Categories Healthcare
  • Duration 10h
  • Total Enrolled 4
  • Last Update September 28, 2020

About Course

St George's, University of London


Learn to analyse healthcare research papers and determine their value

In today’s clinical professions, staff are expected to keep up with fast-changing, evidence-based research in their own field and beyond.

On this course, you will learn critical appraisal techniques to evaluate the quality of healthcare research literature.

You will evaluate published papers, interrogate their methodologies, identify strengths and weaknesses and produce a balanced appraisal of papers to discuss with colleagues, patients, and academic bodies. You’ll assess the contributions of published papers to their research fields, and identify where there’s a need for further research.

What topics will you cover?

  • Principles of critical appraisal
  • Techniques and models for critiquing healthcare research papers
  • Relevant research designs and analysis methods, both quantitative and qualitative
  • Papers discussed and appraised will cover a broad range of health areas

Who developed the course?

St George's logo

St George’s is the UK’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research.

What Will I Learn?

  • Identify an appropriate framework with which to appraise a published paper
  • Evaluate the design, methods, analyses and conclusions of published papers
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of published papers to produce a balanced critical appraisal
  • Assess the contributions made by published papers to the current state of knowledge in that field
  • Identify recommendations for further research resulting from an analysis of published work in a specialist field

Topics for this course

18 Lessons10h

What is critical appraisal??

In these first few steps, you will be introduced to the course and the educators and obtain an overview of what critical appraisal is and why is it important.
Welcome to the course
Meet the team
What is critical appraisal?
What do you appraise?
Why do we need to appraise critically?00:10:17

How do we critically appraise??

In this activity, we outline the main methods and technique we commonly use to appraise critically.

The research question?

In this activity, we will appraise a research question of an example study paper. We will be considering what question is being asked and has the most appropriate approach been used to answer that question?

Dissecting the methodology?

In this activity, we continue to work through the example paper to look at the study methodology. Has the chosen research design been carried out appropriately? Are there methodology limitations that will inform the appraisal?

Interpreting study results?

In this activity, we shall look at key elements of appraising study results and their wider implications, using the example paper.

What have you learnt??

In this final few steps, we will review what we have covered over this course.

Student Feedback


Total 4 Ratings

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This is a medical course, suitable for medical personnel. Relevant research design and analysis methods in the course, including quantitative and qualitative, are good concepts and topics.

The course was pretty good, and if there was one part I liked the most, it was the technology and the models for reviewing research papers on health care, very well analyzed, very professional.

In this course we assess the contribution of published papers to their field of study and identify where further research is needed. This course is very meaningful and benefits me a lot.

As a doctor, we not only need to be skilled in technology, but also need to constantly improve the medical academic. I like this course very much. The course evaluates published papers, explains their methods, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and provides a balanced assessment of papers for discussion with colleagues, patients, and academic institutions. It's worth learning.


Material Includes

  • Official Certificate

Target Audience

  • This course is designed for healthcare professionals including medics, dentists, nurses, midwives, paramedics, radiologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists.
  • It will be relevant to any stage of a career. Established professionals may look to complete the course as evidence of CPD, and the skills will also be highly relevant to junior staff, trainees, and undergraduate/postgraduate students.
  • This course will also be useful for healthcare educational researchers and any other learners who:
  • -Need to critically appraise and stay abreast of the healthcare research literature as part of their clinical duties
  • -Are considering carrying out research & developing their own research projects.
  • -Are undertaking or plan to join a formal pre-doctoral integrated academic training programme.