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Logical and Critical Thinking

  • Categories Business
  • Duration 30h
  • Total Enrolled 8
  • Last Update April 29, 2024

About Course

The University of Auckland


Why join the course?

We are constantly being given reasons to do and believe things: to believe that we should buy a product, support a cause, accept a job, judge someone innocent or guilty, that fairness requires us to do some household chore, and so on. Assessing the reasons we are given to do or believe these things calls upon us to think critically and logically.

Improve your logical and critical thinking skills

Even though we’re called upon to use our critical and logical thinking skills all the time, most of us are not that good at it. This free online course aims to help you develop and improve these skills.

You’ll learn how to:

  • identify and avoid common thinking mistakes that lead to the formation of bad beliefs;
  • recognise, reconstruct and evaluate arguments;
  • use basic logical tools to analyse arguments;
  • and apply those tools in areas including science, moral theories and law.

Associate Professor Tim Dare and Dr Patrick Girard from the University of Auckland take us on an informative and engaging eight week journey through the worlds of logical and critical thinking helping us to avoid these common obstacles and fallacies and improve our logical and critical thinking skills.

Throughout the course, Tim and Patrick provide videos, articles, and assignments to lead us through the thickets of logical and critical thinking.

We will spend the first half of the course exploring key concepts in logical and critical thinking. In the second half of the course, we will apply those concepts in familiar areas, to help you develop practical and useful logical and critical thinking skills.

We begin, in the first week, with an introduction to logical and critical thinking and common obstacles and fallacies.

In week two Patrick introduces arguments. We learn to identify premises and conclusions – components of a good argument – and by the end of this week we’ll be able to construct an argument in standard form.

In week three we will learn how to distinguish between deductive and non-deductive arguments and about validity, invalidity, strength and weakness.

In week four we examine good and bad arguments in more detail, learning how to tell when an argument is sound or cogent, and how to evaluate an argument.

Weeks five to seven examine three familiar areas – science, law, and morality – that call upon our logical and critical thinking skills in ways appropriate to the particular demands of those areas.

Finally in week eight we will apply the lessons of the course to an argument “in the wild”, seeing how the skills we have developed over our eight-week journey can be used in our own lives.

By the end of the course, you will have acquired the basic skills to assess arguments logically and critically, and so to be in a better situation to own the reasons for your beliefs.

What topics will you cover?

  • Identify common flaws in belief construction
  • Recognise and reconstruct arguments
  • Evaluate arguments as being good or bad
  • Analyse arguments using basic logical tools
  • Apply basic logical strategies in areas such as science, moral theories and law

Who will you learn with?

Tim Dare

Tim Dare is Head of Philosophy at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He lives on a (very) small farm with his wife Justine and two pet pigs. He is committed to the practical value of philosophy


Patrick Girard

I am originally from Québec, Canada. I completed a Ph.D in Philosophy at Stanford University in 2008, specialising in Logic, and I am now a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.



Who developed the course?

The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s leading university and the only one included in the Times Higher Education top 200.



What Will I Learn?

  • Explore key concepts in logical and critical thinking
  • Apply key concepts in logical and critical thinking
  • Identify obstacles to logical and critical thinking
  • Identify the components of a good argument
  • Produce an argument in standard form
  • Classify deductive and non-deductive arguments
  • Evaluate arguments based on criteria such as validity, strength and cogency
  • Interpret scientific, moral and legal arguments
  • Develop an argument "in the wild"
  • Assess arguments charitably

Topics for this course

11 Lessons30h

Why do we need to learn Logical and Critical Thinking skills??

The lead educators Tim Dare and Patrick Girard explain why logical and critical thinking matters. Through this course, they will help us to become good logical and critical thinkers.
Introduction to the course00:03:10
How to use Flexgigzz course
Introduce yourself
What is logical and critical thinking?00:06:41

Obstacles to Logical and Critical Thinking?

So what are the common obstacles that stop us from becoming good logical and critical thinkers? This week we learn to recognise the obstacles of bias, heuristics, framing and fallacies.


Let's recap the important concepts covered in the course.

Student Feedback


Total 4 Ratings

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A nice course! Detailed, fun and action oriented. It will give you insights on how to sharpen your mind in a fun and exciting ways.

This is a good course for us to learn how to improve our logical thinking and critical thinking ability. Learn rational analysis and judgment.

Very helpful information. The lectures are not long, to the point to keep, and keeps you focused.

I really enjoyed this course. The instructors were clear & were well versed. I was able to take notes & found this lecture very helpful.


Material Includes

  • Official Certificate

Target Audience

  • Who is the course for?
  • This course is open to anyone with an interest in improving their logical and critical thinking skills. No previous knowledge or experience is required.